Bastian Nominacher is co-founder, co-CEO and CFO of Celonis, the pioneer and global leader in process mining. Born out of a university project in 2011, Bastian Nominbacher and his two co-founders discovered a new technology called process mining and realized its limitless potential to reveal and fix the inefficiencies businesses can’t see. Celonis partners with leading technology companies such as IBM, Accenture, ServiceNow and more. Celonis has ... Bastian Nominacher is co-founder, co-CEO and CFO of Celonis, the pioneer and global leader in process mining. Born out of a university project in 2011, Bastian Nominbacher and his two co-founders discovered a new technology called process mining and realized its limitless potential to reveal and fix the inefficiencies businesses can’t see. Celonis partners with leading technology companies such as IBM, Accenture, ServiceNow and more. Celonis has earned decacorn status, completed a $1 billion Series D round in June 2021, secured an additional $1 billion in liquidity in August 2022 and is currently valued at $13 billion. Prior to founding Celonis, Bastian Nominacher previously worked for Ernst & Young, Accenture and IBM. He studied finance, information management and computer science at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and is the author of several scientific papers on IT carve-outs and post-merger integration.
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